Installation of Thermal Desorption Units in South Sudan in 2024

In January 2024, two sets of BLL-16 semi-continuous thermal desorption units are being installed in South Sudan. Each unit is capable of processing 12-16 tons of oil sludge per day. After treatment, the oil sludge will be transformed into pyrolysis oil, sand, and water. It allows for the environmentally friendly disposal of the oil sludge. Additionally, the oil contained in the sludge can be extracted. Please review the installation status of these units.

Installation of BLJ-16 Thermal Desorption Units in South Sudan to Process Oil Sludge in 2024
Installation of BLJ-16 Thermal Desorption Units in South Sudan to Process Oil Sludge in 2024

Installation of Thermal Desorption Units in South Sudan in 2024

BLJ-16 semi-continuous equipment mainly includes an automatic feeding system, thermal desorption system, water-cooling discharging system, de-dusting system, and combustible gas recovery system. Under the guidance of engineers, this project is being installed in an orderly way. Once the installation is complete, this equipment will be used for the treatment of oil sludge.

The entire project complies with environmental requirements. Firstly, the equipment will convert hazardous oil sludge into fuel. Secondly, both units have a large processing capacity. and their emissions meet the standards. If there are high local exhaust emission requirements, we can provide high-end and customized dust removal systems. The exhaust gas, after being treated by the high-end dust removal system, meets European emission standards.

Installation of Thermal Desorption Units in South Sudan in 2024

Oil Sludge Treatment Method for Environmental Friendliness – Pyrolysis

In the petroleum industry, oil sludge arises in various processes, such as petroleum extraction, petroleum processing, and so on. Types of oil sludge include oily sludge and tank bottom oil sludge. Oily sludge contributes to environmental pollution. On the other hand, the accumulating tank bottom oil sludge can lead to pipeline blockages and pose potential safety hazards to factories.

Oil sludge pyrolysis involves breaking down various substances from oil sludge under high-temperature micro-oxygen conditions. This technology has many advantages. Firstly, this equipment can effectively recover and process oil sludge. Secondly, this method is highly efficient. It is not influenced by environmental conditions. And the processing time is short. Finally, there is no need to add additional additives during the treatment process.

Oil Sludge Treatment Method for Environmental Friendliness - Pyrolysis

Contact Us for Oil Sludge Treatment

If you need to handle oil sludge, feel free to contact us. Based on the characteristics of the materials and your requirements, we will provide professional solutions for your reference.

Contact Us

Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

1What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

2What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

3When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

4Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

5Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)



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