BTF4-8 Beston Pulp Molding Machine Shipped to Russia

Happy news! BTF4-8 Beston pulp molding machine was shipped to Russia in July 2020. It can produce 3500-4500 pieces of 30-hole paper egg trays per hour. And this machine was equipped with an automatic metal drying line. Thus, customers can dry egg trays in a short time. The final drying result won’t be affected by weather factors.

BTF4-8 Beston Pulp Molding Machine Shipped to Russia
BTF4-8 Beston Pulp Molding Machine Shipped to Russia

Why This Customer Chose Beston Paper Pulp Molding Machine?

When this customer wanna do egg tray manufacturing business, there are many manufacturers in the market. This customer contacted us through our web. Because Beston provides quality machines, a flexible list, some cases taken by our customers, and various drawings (including customized drawings). Through a period of communication, this customer decided to cooperate with Beston. Finally, we reached a good deal. After this shipment, Beston services for this customer just begins. We look forward to cooperating further with this customer.

BTF4-8 Beston Pulp Molding Equipment Shipped to Russia
BTF4-8 Beston Pulp Molding Equipment Shipped to Russia
BTF4-8 Beston Paper Pulp Molding Machine Shipped to Russia
BTF4-8 Beston Paper Pulp Molding Equipment Shipped to Russia
Pulping System of BTF4-8 Beston Paper Pulp Molding Equipment Shipped to Russia

Why This Customer Chose Metal Drying Line?

The wet egg trays can be dried naturally. However, in Russia, the weather is cold. And moisture is heavy. If this customer wanna dry egg trays naturally, the time is not sured. It will affect the next step. Metal dyring line can help this customer dry egg trays in a short time. And it is easy to use and maintain for workers. Accordingly, this customer chose metal dryer from Beston.

If you have an interste in this machine, leave your detailed information to us. We are willing to provide flexible drawings to you.

Contact Us

Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

1What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

2What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

3When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

4Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

5Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)



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