BTF4-4 Paper Egg Tray Making Machine in India

Beston installed BTF4-4 Beston paper egg tray making machine in India again. Through days of efforts, the installation of this machine was finished. With used paper pulp, it can produce high-quality paper egg trays. Just change the mold to make other trays, like fruit trays, shoe trays, egg cartons, etc.

Egg Tray Manufacturing Machine
Installation of Egg Tray Manufacturing Machine
Paper Egg Crate Making Machine
PLC of Beston Paper Egg Crate Making Machine
Paper Tray Machine
BTF4-4 Beston Machine Installed in India

Paper Tray Forming Machine

Paper Egg Tray Making Machine

Paper Egg Tray Machine

Egg Tray Making Machine

Egg Tray Machine
Final Products Manufactured by Egg Tray Machine
Egg Tray Moulding Machine
Beston Engineer Took Photo with Customers
Paper Tray Making Machine
Good Comment on Paper Tray Making Machine

After completion of this project, this Indian customer showed good feedback for our pulp molded machine and service. If there were any need, he would like to cooperate with us again in the future. Contact us to get the details or other projects right now.

Contact Us

Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

1What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

2What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have? (Right solution begins from material and product)

3When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

4Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

5Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)



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